09.11.2023 Presentation

What is an Argument?

  • Claim: \(A \uparrow \to B \uparrow\)
  • Argument: because X (Reason)
    • theoretical / empirical to support the claim
  • Purpose: convince audience of \(\to\) claim

Example from AJR 2001

A \(\downarrow \implies\) B \(\downarrow\)
Quality of current institutions Current Performance
Empirical: Protection against Risk of Expropiation reduces GDP per Capita

Elements of X

  • Theory: countries with better property rights invest more in physical capital
  • Empirically: Figure 2 from Paper


  • reversed causality: \(B \downarrow \to A \downarrow\)
  • omitted vairable \(A \downarrow \& B \downarrow\) because of W

Counter Counterarguments

  • accept limitations of argument
  • add reasons to X (X1,X2,…)


  • 5 points per slide
  • short sentences


  • policy advice
  • research addition
  • discussion about picture


  • present the argument first
  • add colored lines to the figure for explanation (or text and formulas)
  • include regression formula (with arrows and explanation)