Channels of Democracy

Potential Channels mentioned and their respective variables:

  • Log Investment = loginvpc
  • Log TFP = ltfp
  • Index Economic Reforms: marketref
  • Trade Share = ltrade
  • Government Expenditure = lgov
  • Primary Enrollment = lprienr
  • Secondary enrollement = lsecenr
  • Child Mortality = lmort
  • Dummy Unrest = unrestn


\[ var_{ct} = \beta D_{ct} + \sum_{j=1}^4 \gamma_j y_{ct-j}+ \sum_{j=1}^4 \delta_j var_{ct-j} +\alpha_c + \theta_t + \epsilon_{ct} \] p = 4 lags = preferred specification


  • \(var_{ct}\) = explaining variable
  • \(y_ct\) = log GDP per capita in country c at time t
  • \(D_{ct}\) = Dichotomous measure of democracy
  • 4 lags of log GDP for control
  • 4 lags of the explaining variable for control
  • \(\alpha\) = country fixed effects
  • \(\theta\) = time fixed effects
  • \(e\) = error


DDCGdata <- haven::read_dta("data/DDCGdata.dta")

pdf <- pdata.frame(DDCGdata, index=c("country_name", "year"))



Investment Share

model1 <- plm(
  loginvpc ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(loginvpc, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"


model2 <- plm(
  ltfp ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(ltfp, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"


model3 <- plm(
  marketref ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(marketref, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"


model4 <- plm(
  ltrade2 ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(ltrade2, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"

Government Expenditure

model5 <- plm(
  lgov ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(lgov, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"

Primary Enrollment

model6 <- plm(
  lprienr ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(lprienr, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"

Secondary Enrollment

model7 <- plm(
  lsecenr ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(lsecenr, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"

Child Mortality

model8 <- plm(
  lmort ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(lmort, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"


model9 <- plm(
  unrestn ~ dem + plm::lag(y,1:4)+ plm::lag(unrestn, 1:4), #the equation with country fixed effects
  model="within", #The fixed effects within estimator
  data = pdf, 
  effect = "twoways"

Additional Infos about the Models

models <- list(model1, model2, model3, model4, model5, model6, model7, model8, model9)

Long Run

Calculate the long run effects for the different models with this Formula:

\[ \frac{ \hat\beta }{1- \sum_{j=1}^p \hat\gamma_j} \]

lre <- list()

for (i in 1:9) {
  beta_hat <- coef(models[[i]])["dem"]
  gamma_hat <- coef(models[[i]])[6:9]
  lre[[i]] <- beta_hat / (1 - sum(gamma_hat))

lre <- unlist(lre)
lre <- round(lre, 2)


Calculate the persistence for the different models with this Formula:

\[ D_{pers} = \sum_{j=1}^p \hat\gamma_j \]

persistence <- list()

for (i in 1:9) {
  gamma_hat <- coef(models[[i]])[6:9]
  persistence[[i]] <- sum(gamma_hat)

pers <- unlist(persistence)
pers <- round(pers, 2)

Creating the Table

models <- list(model1, model2, model3, model4, model5, model6, model7, model8, model9)

          type = "html", 
          covariate.labels = c("Democracy"),
          title = "Effects of Democracy on Potential Channels", 
          dep.var.labels = c(
              "Log Investment", "Log TFP", "Index Economic Reforms", 
              "Log Trade Share", "Log of Gov. Exp.","Log Primary Enrollment", 
              "Log Secondary Enrollment", "Log Child Mortality", "Dummy Unrest"
          omit.stat = c("f", "ser", "rsq", "adj.rsq"),
          keep = "dem",
          keep.stat = "N",
          add.lines = list(
            c("Long Run Effect", lre),
            c("Persistence", pers)
Effects of Democracy on Potential Channels
Dependent variable:
Log Investment Log TFP Index Economic Reforms Log Trade Share Log of Gov. Exp. Log Primary Enrollment Log Secondary Enrollment Log Child Mortality Dummy Unrest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Democracy 2.391*** -0.205 0.687** 0.689 3.311*** 1.042*** 1.345*** -0.253*** -7.832***
(0.928) (0.255) (0.282) (0.503) (1.078) (0.230) (0.393) (0.051) (1.764)
Long Run Effect 9.11 -2.88 5.58 5.45 16.06 21.91 18.96 -34.26 -11.94
Persistence 0.74 0.93 0.88 0.87 0.79 0.95 0.93 0.99 0.34
Observations 5,665 3,879 4,692 5,738 4,511 3,714 2,883 6,084 5,646
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Saving the Table as Tex

          type = "latex",
          out = "output/table_channels.tex",
          covariate.labels = c("Democracy"),
          column.sep.width = "0.01pt",
          title = "Effects of Democracy on Potential Channels", 
          dep.var.labels = c(
              "Log Investment", "Log TFP", "Index Economic Reforms", 
              "Log Trade Share", "Log of Gov. Exp.","Log Primary Enrollment", 
              "Log Secondary Enrollment", "Log Child Mortality", "Dummy Unrest"
          omit.stat = c("f", "ser", "rsq", "adj.rsq"),
          keep = "dem",
          keep.stat = "N",
          add.lines = list(
            c("Long Run Effect", lre),
            c("Persistence", pers)
% Table created by stargazer v.5.2.3 by Marek Hlavac, Social Policy Institute. E-mail: marek.hlavac at % Date and time: Wed, Dec 06, 2023 - 17:54:22